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National Agency of Civil Servants leaders Bucharest introduced to public authorities and institutions should be designated as a public servant for ethics advice and monitoring compliance with standards of conduct.
Designated ethics counselor is Vladut Grigore Alin, Legal Adviser in the Hall Tg. Carbunesti.
Since I was appointed advisor in the mood 992/04.06.2008 ethical, will bring to the knowledge of the principles that govern the professional conduct of civil servants and the general rules of professional conduct for public servants under the Law on code nr.7/2004 conduct of civil servants, republished.
The principles governing the professional conduct of public servants are as follows:
- The supremacy of the Constitution and laws, a principle according to which the public official has a duty to respect the Constitution and laws of the country;
- The priority of public interest, a principle according to which the public servant has a duty to consider the public interest above personal interest than public office;
- Professionalism, the principle according to which civil servants are required to perform duties with responsibility, competence, efficiency, honesty and conscientiousness;
- Impartiality and independence, a principle according to which civil servants are required to have a neutral attitude, object to any political, economic or other public office;
- Moral integrity, a principle according to which civil servants are forbidden to solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, for themselves or for others an advantage or benefit in consideration of public office they hold or abused in any way by this function;
- Freedom of thought and expression, a principle according to which civil servants can express opinions and to base, while respecting the rule of law and morals of the goods;
- Honesty and fairness, a principle according to which public office and service in the performance of civil servants must be in good faith;
- Openness and transparency, a principle according to which activities carried out by civil servants in exercising their public and citizens can be monitored.
The general rules of professional conduct for public servants are as follows:
- Civil servants are required to ensure a quality public service for citizens through active participation in decisions and their implementation in practice, in order to achieve competence of public institutions;
- Fuctionarii servants are required to behave professionally and to ensure, under the law, administrative transparency to earn and maintain public confidence in the integrity, impartiality and effectiveness of public institutions;
- Civil servants are bound to occur fairly prestigious public institutions in which it operates, and to refrain from any act which may cause harm or legal interests of its image;
- In relationships with staff of public institutions in which it operates, as well as natural and legal persons, civil servants are obliged to behave based on respect, fairness and courtesy in good faith;
- Civil servants have the obligation not to prejudice the honor, reputation and dignity of persons within the public institution in which they work, and people who enter into public office by:
1. Use of offensive language;
2. revealing some aspects of private life;
3. formulation of complaints or defamatory complaints.
- Public officials should adopt a clear impartial and justified for solving problems and effective citizens;
- Civil servants are required to use work time and personal belongings only public institution for carrying out activities related to public duties;
- Civil servants must propose and provide, according to their responsibilities and effective use of public money useful, in accordance with the law;
- Civil servants must not seek or accept gifts, services, favors, invitations or any other advantage to them for personal, family, parents, friends or people who have had relationships, business or political nature that may affect impartiality public office or may be reward in relation to these functions;
- Civil servants are obliged to examine management and apply objective criteria for assessing the professional competence of staff, when proposing or approving advancement, promotion, transfer, appointment or termination of the functions or material or moral incentives, excluding form of favoritism or discrimination.
Civil servants are forbidden:
- To speak in public about false judgments
with the public institutions in which it operates, its policies and strategies or the draft normative acts or individual;
- Make judgments about the disputes that are authorized under
settlement and the public institution operates and is a party;
- To disclose non-public information that in other conditions
than those provided by law;
- To disclose information they have access to public office, if the disclosure is likely to attract undue advantage or to damage the image or the institution or the rights of civil servants, and natural or legal persons;
- Providing information on publicly owned or private property of the state or territorial administrative units, subject to the sale or lease or rent, other than as prescribed by law.
Violation of these provisions of the Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary civil servants, under the law.